Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Presentation of carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is one of the main greenhouse gases naturally present in the atmosphere. Its natural emissions come mainly from the respiration of humans and animals, organic decomposition and ocean discharge. Since the modern era, human activity (burning fossil fuels, deforestation, etc.) has also created significant CO2 emissions in the air.
CO2 is colourless, odourless and heavier than air. Under normal temperature and pressure conditions, it takes on a gaseous form, which is called "carbon dioxide". Carbon dioxide can also be in liquid and solid form.
Use of carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is currently used for a wide range of professional applications (in gaseous, liquid or solid form):
- Food processing;
- Greenhouse plant growth;
- Preparation of soft drinks and wine;
- Fire extinction;
- Water treatment;
- Low temperature testing;
- Refrigeration
Risks of carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is non-flammable and non-explosive but has asphyxiating properties. At high concentrations, it can cause asphyxiation by displacing oxygen from the air necessary for breathing and lead to death.
The effects of CO2 on the body
A long-term exposure of 0.5% volume is sufficient to pose a danger to humans.
[Resume diagram PDF CO2]
Our carbon dioxide (CO2) detectors
Due to its colourless and odourless properties, carbon dioxide is undetectable by humans. Using a carbon dioxide detector is therefore essential to be able to detect the presence of CO2 and protect against the risks of an excessive concentration.